Hello, I want to welcome you to my homepage where I'll be adding Information about me, my work, and my life. I am married to Marie-Louise, a Dutch citizen and lawyer for the justice department. We live in Zaandam.
My Life: I would like to begin with sharing a little about one of my greatest manifestations, meeting my wife, Marie-Louise. Back in the early 90s I began to feel a need to put into a practical application the spiritual laws that I had been sharing in workshops and intensives. Often, participants would exclaim, "how do you walk around in the world in this heightened state of consciousness and how do you apply it to everyday life." With practical application in mind, I decided to go to Europe and see if I could start a successful business without having experience in that field and manifesting the resources to make it happen. The business I wanted to start was a coffee company, to take the Starbuck theme to Europe and to start a California cuisine restaurant. To make a long story short, I could inspire several Dutch partners, bankers, a Brewery to invest, and before long construction started at the Magna Plaza behind the Grand Palace in Amsterdam, Netherlands. For 5 months, I oversaw the design and construction of the interior, and developed the menu, comprised of all my favorite New York City food treats. We opened ' Ovidius' for business in November 1994 with a restaurant, coffee bar, night club and at the same time opened a Coffee company, Amadeus and a European franchise for muffins and brownies. Within two months of the opening, I sold my interest to Dutch investors, who continue to operate Ovidius along with many of the food and coffee items I selected. In the process of creating Ovidius, for recreation, I would do roller blading in Vondel Park and on one auspicious day, I met Marie-Louise. I gave her my phone number and asked her to be in touch when I returned to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks. I only knew her name, but I felt a Soul connection and told one my employees on the way to the airport: 'I just met my wife'! When I returned to Amsterdam, Marie-Louise called me, and we got together for a date and have been together ever since, now going on 16 years. For at least two years prior to meeting her, I regularly did manifestation meditations for meeting my Soul mate and now, the rest is history. (more soon)
The music you are listening to was composed by David Walker. This piece was inspired by a meditation we shared in NYC in 1985, called 'Memory of a Meditation'. Listen with a headset
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