What is a Complete Self Attunement Session
A Complete Self Attunement Session is a guided meditation in which a trained facilitator privately works with an individual, either in person or by phone. The session is both spiritual and therapeutic in nature.
Through a series of 50 to 70 minute sessions you explore the depth and range of your complete self. The first aspect of a Complete Self Attunement session is to attune, heal, and guide your complete self: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies/selves. You come to know your Soul, the one aspect of every person which is whole, perfect or Complete. The second aspect of a session shows you how to access the space of awareness that lets your Soul transform you.
Your session is a highly experiential process in which your facilitator tunes into the way you are with yourself and your life, then guides you in becoming lovingly aware of ways that you create or maintain boundaries and blocks in your life. This reveals what is needed to heal your physical body, your emotional life, and restore peace of mind. Each session is specific to you and your relationship with life.
The evolution of your sessions progress through stages of awakening into the Wholeness of Being, which include:
- Shifting the seat of your consciousness from your mind to your body.
- Becoming body conscious whereby your body wisdom is liberated.
- Connecting with your 7th sense, an inherent faculty of awareness that is beyond mind and intuition.
- Reconnecting with the female power of the universe which allows you to receive your connection with spirit and divinity.
- Feeling the flow of universal energies and letting that spiritual light bring healing where it is needed.
- Embodying the power of relationship with self, the key to living in the Now.
- Attunement with the most important Chakra, your Spiritual Heart Center.
- Oneness with the Power of Being, the pervasive presence that all of existence resides in.
- Using the current of spiritual aliveness to manifest God's plan through you.
- Shifting from a person who has a Soul to you living from Soul that has a person.
Everyone - teacher, engineer, performing artist, ad executive, contemplative, mother, father, lawyer, therapist - all are looking for joy, Aliveness, presence, more access to the whole of themselves. Recently there is so much focus on how to create your own reality through the laws of attraction and positive thinking that a subtle reinforcement of personal will and effort continues to block the experience of living from one's Soul and Life's inherent ease of Being.
If you feel ready to take a step into Spiritual Aliveness where trying to manage your reality is replaced with Reality creating you, consider a Complete Self Attunement session and get support for moving beyond doing and trying ---- where you awaken within Wholeness. How to make an appointment
"When I first read of Complete Self Attunement, I thought that the claims written were probably true in a sense, but over stated. Now having had the experience, I can unequivocally say that what I read was, if anything, absolutely true and understated. I experienced parts of myself that I thought it would take years of diligent effort to contact and have had experiences that I previously only read about in books, but never thought would happen to me." Counseling Teacher.
"The process of Complete Self Attunement far exceeds any other form of personal growth or self development I have ever experienced. It goes beyond surface issues to reveal one's true nature and from this point starts an incredible healing process that brings you into a harmonized relationship with your essential Being...I would recommend it to anyone truly interested in expressing the fullness of who they are." Doctor.
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