Horizon Event online meditation retreat
Lead by Don Kollmar: Check Back for Next Online Retreat dates or Email: donkollmar@gmail.com
This 6 day online intensive is the integration of two intensives, The Transformation Intensive and The Conscious from Consciousness Intensive, The name, The Horizon Event Intensive is an adaptation on what is known in Astrophysics as the Event Horizon; the cosmological line in the sand, the surface of a black hole, the boundary in spacetime, "the point of no return". The Horizon Event Intensive is dedicated to you living a shift in consciousness from which there is no longer a pull to live from the limitation of your mind based self. The Horizon Event is a spiritual evolutionary thrust that becomes your "point of no return" to that which limits who and what you are. If you want more information on those two intensives please click these two links. Transformation Intensive and CFC Intensive
To better understand the evolution of my life work, I'd like to share a little of the history of my Intensive Retreat Programs. Starting in early 1980s I lead a series of progressive 6 day intensives, a series that hundreds of participants took part in. In the progression of these series of 4 intensives I shared how to live the power of now ( 20 years prior to it becoming popularized by Eckhart Tolle), living from a body based consciousness, using the portal of the Spiritual Heart Center to enter the limitless space of one's divinity, evolutionary enlightenment through connections with one's emerging essence, and living from Soul, one's true evolutionary Self. In 2002 an evolutionary leap in my work evolved which I called Conscious from Consciousness. This new focus was what the previous 30 years of my work was leading to. Conscious from Consciousness is living from the silence, wholeness, the All that everything in life arises from. In 2004 it became clear that I needed to condense my previous 4 part 6 day intensives into one intensive, The Transformation Intensive so one could have the foundation of growth to move into Conscious from Consciousness.
Over the last several years there has been a dramatic increase in awakening consciousness in humanity and now there is a clear need to offer an intensive that brings one into being more connected with this impulse of awakening and shift into living it day to day. The Horizon Event Intensive arises to meet this need.
Horizon Event feedback:
"The Horizon Event I attended with Don this spring in Aptos, CA was amazing for me. Through the course of the week I came to experience myself as an increasingly more whole and connected being in a vast universe. That experience continues to be part of my life even after the week of intense meditating is over. The CFC work gives me tools to experience my life and the people around me from a more expanded and kinder perspective. I feel more connected to myself, to others, to the flow of life around me. Don's work and his guidance are very powerful. To be immersed for a week in this work is a fabulous opportunity. I am so very grateful for the week I had and am looking forward to more in the future." Nancy Heslton-Clements, Artist
"In the Horizon Intensive Don presents his approach to meditation so clearly and in such incremental steps that it is easily accessible to everyone, even those with little previous experience. This week is also so incredibly rich and experiential that even though I've done weeks with Don before, this combination took me much deeper into my connection to my highest self. I came into the week with some challenging personal burdens I could barely peek around....after the work I was able to come from the space that allows for it all to be present as it is and resolve into Wholeness. . . And I embrace the ongoing process!"
Tamara Yates
Many Hands Equine Bodywork
Additional sharing on the Horizon Event:
"It's six weeks since I completed the Horizon Event Intensive and I'm flowing in the awareness of Being, deeply relaxed and grounded, it's the middle of a busy work day. What I wanted to "get out of" the Intensive was to live from Consciousness throughout my deadline filled weeks, I got that. The Intensive was given by Don while living with him in a beautiful and comfortable home, we were a small group, living together, preparing meals together and that made for a pleasant, intimately warm and enjoyable week. Spending our days in specifically themed guided meditation session after meditation session, each session building on the last until a powerful and wondrous Spiritual Presence filled our days, it was a true intensive.
Additionally, Don did a personal session before and after the Horizon Event Intensive as part of the program and provided recordings of most of the sessions from the week. The recordings have supported me in continuing to strengthen the Spiritual Presence that I became grounded in during the Intensive. All the elements, distinctions and personal guidance in experientially accessing and identifying subtle aspects of Being (Space as Spirit, Presence) have amplified, clarified, and empowered my years of meditative practice. If you are an established meditator and are committed to living as Presence/Being do the Horizon Event Intensive. I flow gratitude and celebrate my choice to do so every day. Mark Hayes
Founder’s View - Uncovering the Language of the Soul
If you want to contact the Soul, then you must learn its language. I have long known that the Soul’s language is not expressed in words or thoughts. The language of the soul is expressed in sensing and feeling.
The language of the soul is expressed in sensing and feeling.
In general, the inspirations that show up during a meditation as images and ideas are products of your ego and your mind. I have often encouraged you to become the Witness, so that you realize that they are not you and you are not those thoughts. Standing back from the mind’s activity and becoming the Witness felt like a most powerful place to stand … until now. As I learned recently, even when we identify ourselves as the Witness, there is still an I (ego) there. The evolution of daily spiritual practice goes on endlessly. As the universe evolves, so do we. As we evolve, so does our practice. Such findings keep us on our toes, and make it fresh each and every day.
In September, I had an opportunity to look more deeply at my own daily meditation practice. Having stepped back from the daily responsibilities of the Feast, I found that I was finally free to take a weeklong meditation intensive called The Horizon Event with Don Kollmar, a teacher from Holland. For some time now, a trusted friend and spiritual companion had recommended Don's work to me, but I was just too busy to follow up. The fact that the event was held in Aptos, California on the Monterey Bay--during the annual whale and dolphin migration--gave me an added incentive to make the week happen. To say The Horizon Event was life-changing is an understatement. It is with gratitude that I am able to share an aspect of this experience with you here.
The evolution of consciousness has been the major theme in my life for as long as I can remember. I have studied the techniques offered by a number of traditions, and I hold each of them in high regard and appreciate them, in different ways and at different times. The meditations of that week were like no others that I have experienced.
I recall reading an interview with Eckhart Tolle recently, where he was asked by the interviewer how he kept himself from drifting into the past or the future during his meditations. Tolle replied that he knows when he has drifted into the mind world, because he will feel excited, agitated, or maybe even depressed as he is tumbled around in the future. Eckhart spoke of balancing presence and stillness, and living our lives from an awakened consciousness. He said that we must move from an old consciousness to a new consciousness. Those were inspirational words that I have heard before. But how does one do that? I think I now have a glimmer of how that is done with regularity and precision, but I’m limited by space from writing more.
It will be my privilege to give you the opportunity to experience what I’ve learned during the coming months. Don has agreed to record an interview for us later this month, and we will air it in December. Don is a very humble man whose students promote him and his unique teachings. He doesn’t promote himself. You can believe me when I say that it was my idea to invite him to join our faculty for the coming Winter Feast. He has now agreed to lead a series of meditations for the 2014 Winter Feast. His work may not be for everyone, but it will be a catalyst for many of you as you progress in your practice. I have been a meditator for over 30 years (off and on to be sure), and this work has catapulted my practice like no other has done.
The language of the soul is sensing, and the meditations that are offered give clear guidance to embrace that language. Through sensing, it is my experience that one reaches an entirely new relationship with stillness … with Space. One becomes that Space. It is in that Space that thoughts occur, but they don’t hijack you from your intent for long.
It is my experience that one reaches an entirely new relationship with stillness … with Space. One becomes that Space. It is in that Space that thoughts occur, but they don’t hijack you from your intent for long.
I have found that I can engage in this delicate soul language with attentiveness and a new level of alertness. There is no longer drifting off during my practice. Soul lives in the present, and I am fully there in that communion.
Of course, it is difficult to express an abstract experience in words. I will leave the rest for Don to share during our upcoming interview. What I can say is that I am able to live in deep gratitude for all the events in my life, even those that I do not particularly like. I wish the same for you.
Have a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving, if that is your holiday. I am grateful to be able to contact you through these letters. May they inspire you, and keep you faithful to your practice. Peace begins in our very own hearts.
Sending You Love and Support,
Valerie Skonie