Conscious from Consciousness Intensive
(for information only, no longer offered, evolved into the Horizon Event) Horizon EventLead by Don Kollmar

This 7 day Intensive is open to anyone who has attended the Transformation Intensive. The Conscious from Consciousness Intensive has been a powerful evolution in the Complete Self Attunement program. An intensive that enables one to live Enlightenment each and every time one proceeds from being Conscious from Consciousness.
I feel that all my previous 39 years of meditation work has lead to this opportunity. An opportunity that takes living from Wholeness, embodying Oneness, and perceiving from the power of the Now out of the limited access of the few, (like sages and mystics) and makes it available to all; as it always was meant to be.
April 2009 March 2010 November 2010 January 2011 October 2011
Wonderfully, the process of conscious from consciousness has continued to evolve and yields so many gifts of Spirit, Oneness, and Wholeness. In so many ways the range of experiences and adventures into the nature of existence that have come from being CFC seem too powerful, too illumined, and too wonderful to be fully put into words. I truly feel blessed to be on such a journey of discovery and at the same time, living "having arrived"!
The Objectives: The main objective of this training is to let your identity base shift from the mind/ego/person to being based from you as consciousness. In essence you shift from someone aware of life to being conscious from life. We have a mind, an ego, a personality because we are consciousness, and without your consciousness these aspects would not exist. In the process of living we have become accustomed to perceiving life from these identity bases. Even in the exploration of spirit, it tends to be the 'someone' of ourself that has the experience. In fact, we have concluded that our person is the part that has to change, grow, or evolve so we can live more from the openness of spirit. Being conscious from the already openness of you as consciousness does not need the medium of the person to be different first. In fact, it is you being conscious from consciousness that allows your person to heal into wholeness.
The Outcome: To know that you are Life and to proceed from that space of existence from which the world arises. To relieve your person/ego from the burden of being the holder of your identity or sense of self and to experience the joy of being you when that burden is released. To live awareness free from thought, the Buddha mind. To know yourself as the life within all forms.
In the Transformation Intensive we explored the language of consciousness-"sensing"- and how sensing allows one to be in the essential space that allows the more-than the person (mind/ego) to emerge and contribute to one's life. All the different meditations and exercises from the first week point to your openness as a spiritual being, you as consciousness. From the 7th sense, to relationship with self and aliveness, to soul, each further informed you of the awesome range of consciousness. The conscious from consciousness intensive focuses on the opportunity to be directly conscious from consciousness without the medium of the personality and its resources.
Conscious from Consciousness is the you living the NOW and can effortlessly inform your person of that gift. A loving shift from trying to be in the now to Living from the spaciousness of being the Now!
Like the Transformation Intensive, the CFC Intensive is limited to a small group. Thereby allowing each participant to receive the attention they deserve.
COST: $1,400 - INCLUDES: ROOM, BOARD, TUITION, and 2 follow-up group meditations and two personal phone sessions with Don. *
The intensive begins at 5 pm on the first day and ends at 10:00 a.m.on the last day.
Additional dates for the Conscious from Consciousness Intensive
Attendance is limited to those who have attended the Transformation Intensive.
* Enrollment is confirmed with full payment. Once confirmed, if one's plans change and can not attend, a full credit is given for personal sessions. The personal session credit does not expire and can be used for individual or couple sessions they can also be given as a gift. Due to the small size of the classes, workshops and intensives, no cash refund is possible.
Here is some feedback from participants:
"Wholeness is what we already are and the CFC Intensive permits the actual experience of that truth. Sensing from the Field of Awareness allows all the Person-Ego-Mind's parts to relax and come home, while the direct experience of the Now awakens Spiritual Aliveness. My CFC experience allowed me to understand Rumi's poetry first-hand."
-Julie, California: University Professor
"The first week long intensive spent with Don changed my life. It began a practice that helped me be in the world in a manner that was joyful and appreciative. There are moments where I am connected to the Divine and experience the love and light in my life that I never thought I deserved. It is such a gift of peace. Then I went to the CFC intensive and with Don’s sensitive and pedagogically brilliant coaching, I found a way to be in that same connection whenever I just stop and come from sensing, it's always there. The “person” in me still trips me up in my life, but now I’m able to just include even that in my “sensing from sensing” and come back to myself and the greater connection. After the CFC intensive I see that the gift I received in the first week is available all the time. Thank you so much Don!"
-Tamara, California: Horse trainer and Healer
"The spiritual awakening I experienced as a result of the CFC intensive broke through lifetimes-old barriers that had prevented me from experiencing the full depth of my being. The new "Jeff 2.0" that has emerged has brought me a great ease of being, and the ability to joyously tune in to nature at an intensely connected level. A week of Don's time,
plus the follow-up group session, personal session, and meditationrecordings that come with the CFC intensive are an incredible value. It was truly the best $1000 that I've ever spent."
-Jeff, Michigan: Weather Scientist
"CFC allows your soul to be bathed in the power and wonder of oneness with the universal spirit/God. This process of meditation, experiencing your humble presence in the field of universal consciousness, is spiritually transforming."
-Bonnie, Oklahoma: Child Psychologist
"If you are considering attending a Conscious from Consciousness intensive, you already know that Don Kollmar presents the material in a skillful way, with highly refined languaging, and that simultaneously with his presenting you are practicing, immediately. I found that spending this additional week in the Complete Self Attunement environment provided a continuation of Don's practical teaching and a great opportunity to deepen. The experience is focused and relaxed at the same time, the ideal setting for absorbing a cfc life orientation. I did experience the "ground of being" in the space of sensing, and have brought home with me the ability to sense into that. There is so much peace and joy as a result !"
-Cheryl, Sacramento, CA: Graphic artist
"The intensive has deepened my connection with my soul, God. The work Don does brought so much healing not only on a physical but also on an emotional and spiritual level within myself. I continue to feel that love and healing on a daily basis in many different forms. My connection with the students and co-workers at work has also deepened as a result of all the different meditations you taught me. My heart is filled with gratitude ......"
-Karisa, California: Special ED teacher
"A testimonial – I can only speak from my heart. The week with the group in Aptos was so love filled. That was the constant experience of the Space. Everything that arose in the Space was all part of the light and love that was the space itself – the space of me. Each one of the group amplified the love and it was such a joy to share with everyone at that level. with gratitude. Marilyn"
-Marilyn, Connecticut: Artist and Spiritual teacher
"Having access to the CFC process allows me to be in a space where I can actually sense the presence of my soul and hear its voice, and isn't that what we all hunger for at some deep place within us? If you want to experience pure aliveness and feel what it's like to be in wholeness, then attending the CFC intensive is an obvious next step.....All I can say is that if it weren't for this process, I wouldn't have had the breakthrough that I needed to move on with my work, feel God's love and support and most importantly, KNOW that my divine plan is working thru me. YOU are one of the greatest people to grace my life, and I am forever grateful for you and your gifts."
-Paula, Chicago: Personal Coach and Trainer
More CFC Testimonials from over the last 7 years:
"The value of the focus is immeasurable. This is an actual link (for lack of a better word) allowing one to break through the illusion of the mind centered universe."
-Beverly, Washington
"I think that you have given unusually potent ways of accessing a very very high state of consciousness. The more frequently we enter that state the greater the degree and pace of our development It's generally very peaceful, has a grounded yet ecstatic quality to it. Whereas, before this last training in CFC, I've been hanging out in a generally blissful and pretty passive being. But the shift is toward a more active participation without controlling or directing the experience "
-Phil, California
"Living from my mind/ego is so damned painful. I do it alot. Yet more than ever there's an awareness that this is the mind. This awareness is created by the experience of CFC.
It's not a concept. You can read Eckhart Tolle till you're blue in the face but until it becomes experimental it's basically spiritual mind blah. When I read him now it's unbelievable the feeling awareness I have as I read his words. It's so clear where he is coming from. You can't know it without experiencing it."
-Ron, Canada
"As a result of the intensive, I have a certainty about my innate wholeness that I never possessed before. This is incredibly valuable! I find myself spontaneously feeling the 'is-ness' of a bush or tree or entire landscape or life itself."
-Marilyn, Boston
"When I'm being Conscious from Consciousness, I am in bliss." The Contribution that being Conscious from Consciousness is making in life for me besides its richness, is serenity, and respect. I notice at work when I get too into paper that I forget to be present to the other. I notice the non presence and quickly get present to the moment and the other. I am more awake in my morning meditations and I feel more engaging with Truth "
-Helen, Florida
"This intensive was totally different from last time and has (again) completely changed my relationship to meditation. Being CFC, instead of invoking various things from the level of the "person", has taken some getting used to. But, I find that this completely different level of reality is indeed the "next step", if we can call such things a step. It's really simply returning to our natural state as consciousness."
-Gail, Texas
"I simply have an actual awareness of Love daily and I did not have that before--ever. The feelings of love that I've had in the past were not always from awareness. From time to time I make use of ACFC and at times I melt with it. I feel very transformed as a result of the intensive"
-Jose, California
" The first intensive(s) took the saran wrap off my experience of livingness. I could feel the direct flow of fizzy warm energy for the first time, and it grew stronger and stronger over the year. Sometimes I was disoriented from the flow being so strong. cfc is extremely valuable, and essential to living from wholeness. the intensive was a deep and rich full immersion experience-necessary to building some fluency with cfc and immensely satisfying."
-Paula, Wisconsin
"Yes! And acceptance of me, where I am at the moment, is coming more readily. A softening. Letting go of judgement has opened an ease in staying focused in the now. Life is more vibrant and full. Don -- what you are offering is a total gift. I feel more fully present in meditation, more present to the Divine indwelling. And I can sense that there's less of a boundary between meditation and the rest of my life!"
-Allan, Chicago
"Since we were together in Aptos, and during the intensive itself, my cellular structure re-orchestrated itself. This intensive was different than previous ones in that duality dissolved for me. I've experienced much richness being Conscious from Consciousness. I awaken in the mornings sensing & feeling great love. I hug and kiss myself a lot"
-Peter, New York
"I am catapulted far beyond the simplistic relationships of mind/ego/person into intimate participating of essence within essence. Thankful to be consciously awake enough to participate in the feeling experience of, the seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and being, the miracle of life. Gratitude abounds as Love dances thru me, and all around me, the dance of spirit having a human experience"
-Anita, Arizona
Attendance is limited to those who have attended the Transformation Intensive.
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"The value of the focus is immeasurable. This is an actual link (for lack of a better word) allowing one to break through the illusion of the mind centered universe."
-Beverly, Washington
"I think that you have given unusually potent ways of accessing a very very high state of consciousness. The more frequently we enter that state the greater the degree and pace of our development It's generally very peaceful, has a grounded yet ecstatic quality to it. Whereas, before this last training in CFC, I've been hanging out in a generally blissful and pretty passive being. But the shift is toward a more active participation without controlling or directing the experience "
-Phil, California
"Living from my mind/ego is so damned painful. I do it alot. Yet more than ever there's an awareness that this is the mind. This awareness is created by the experience of CFC.
It's not a concept. You can read Eckhart Tolle till you're blue in the face but until it becomes experimental it's basically spiritual mind blah. When I read him now it's unbelievable the feeling awareness I have as I read his words. It's so clear where he is coming from. You can't know it without experiencing it."
-Ron, Canada
"As a result of the intensive, I have a certainty about my innate wholeness that I never possessed before. This is incredibly valuable! I find myself spontaneously feeling the 'is-ness' of a bush or tree or entire landscape or life itself."
-Marilyn, Boston
"When I'm being Conscious from Consciousness, I am in bliss." The Contribution that being Conscious from Consciousness is making in life for me besides its richness, is serenity, and respect. I notice at work when I get too into paper that I forget to be present to the other. I notice the non presence and quickly get present to the moment and the other. I am more awake in my morning meditations and I feel more engaging with Truth "
-Helen, Florida
"This intensive was totally different from last time and has (again) completely changed my relationship to meditation. Being CFC, instead of invoking various things from the level of the "person", has taken some getting used to. But, I find that this completely different level of reality is indeed the "next step", if we can call such things a step. It's really simply returning to our natural state as consciousness."
-Gail, Texas
"I simply have an actual awareness of Love daily and I did not have that before--ever. The feelings of love that I've had in the past were not always from awareness. From time to time I make use of ACFC and at times I melt with it. I feel very transformed as a result of the intensive"
-Jose, California
" The first intensive(s) took the saran wrap off my experience of livingness. I could feel the direct flow of fizzy warm energy for the first time, and it grew stronger and stronger over the year. Sometimes I was disoriented from the flow being so strong. cfc is extremely valuable, and essential to living from wholeness. the intensive was a deep and rich full immersion experience-necessary to building some fluency with cfc and immensely satisfying."
-Paula, Wisconsin
"Yes! And acceptance of me, where I am at the moment, is coming more readily. A softening. Letting go of judgement has opened an ease in staying focused in the now. Life is more vibrant and full. Don -- what you are offering is a total gift. I feel more fully present in meditation, more present to the Divine indwelling. And I can sense that there's less of a boundary between meditation and the rest of my life!"
-Allan, Chicago
"Since we were together in Aptos, and during the intensive itself, my cellular structure re-orchestrated itself. This intensive was different than previous ones in that duality dissolved for me. I've experienced much richness being Conscious from Consciousness. I awaken in the mornings sensing & feeling great love. I hug and kiss myself a lot"
-Peter, New York
"I am catapulted far beyond the simplistic relationships of mind/ego/person into intimate participating of essence within essence. Thankful to be consciously awake enough to participate in the feeling experience of, the seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and being, the miracle of life. Gratitude abounds as Love dances thru me, and all around me, the dance of spirit having a human experience"
-Anita, Arizona
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