Throughout this workshop, emphasis is placed on bringing your Presence, Essence, and Soul into your direct experience. Through your inherent powers of self, experience the emergence of Joy, Love and Aliveness.
In the course of the week, you go through a progression of meditations and awareness exercises. There are a wide variety of unique exercises, some done privately and some with the group. Whether you are indoors or outside with nature, you will experience how your Soul's essence relates to your life.
The Transformation Intensive is held for groups of 6 to 10 participants to assure that each person gets the individual support and attention she deserves. We share a large retreat house together so we can make use of 'living the intensive' rather than an event you come to and go from for set hours during the day. This allows for an integration of the intensive with everyday life, which is often missing in larger venues.
Santa Cruz, CA 2010 Chico, California 2010 Sand Dollar Beach, CA 2009 Hamilton, Montana 2008
The mission of the Transformation Intensive is for you to:
• more fully access the consciousness of the unified field of Being from which you experience relationship with creation and participate in your connectedness with all life.
• deepen into the consciousness of co-creation with God and become an instrument for Spirit
• experience your spiritual dimensions and to feel your inherent relatedness in being alive.
The Objectives for the Transformation Intensive:
- Experiencing your body free from your mind and imagination:
- Having your body sense you being with your body as it is in the moment so your body can access the relaxation response.
- Bringing of awareness free from the mind to those areas of your body that lack energy and wellness, thereby releasing the body's wisdom, knowing and natural healing power.
- Experiencing the language of the body:
- Distinguishing thinking as the language of the mind, and sensing (the language of the body) as an experience separate from your emotions or mind.
- Recognizing the language of sensing as what one's spirit uses to communicate with the person.
- Experiencing your inner world, your inner environment where the flow of light and energy is the sensing experience:
- Sensing how your life is held energetically within you in the moment.
- Moving awareness through the 'attending to' process to clear blocks and boundaries to letting your creative potential express.
- Feeling the flow of the universal energy through you and using your sensing to deepen into the transforming energy of the universe.
- Experiencing your 7th sense, the faculty your soul created for you to know the inner life within the form side of existence:
- Feeling your co-creation with the inner life of nature and accessing new levels of communication with nature.
- Using the 7th sense to access the essential reality behind/within any material or spiritual form.
- Experiencing the power of relationship with self:
- Knowing the resource of being with what is, as is, in the moment-- the power behind the power of the Now.
- Using relationship with self to be more 'Present' within any activity.
- Experiencing yourself as the power of Being-- you as Presence-- through living from the language of you as consciousness:
- Living from your Essence rather than your beliefs, concepts, history, or prior conditioning.
- Knowing your aliveness, your creative energy of potential, possibility and resource available to you.
- Experiencing your soul and the nature of living from Soul consciousness:
- To live the openness and freedom when living from Soul.
- Experience how your Soul is your means of universal access through multi-dimensional perception.
The Outcome:
Deepening into living from the difference between doing and being, effort and receiving, trying and allowing, change and changelessness, and trying to create verses living from the abundance of wholeness. To live as a Soul-infused person.
Some feedback from Transformation Intensive participants:
-I am grateful to you for helping to open the doors within myself to receive the blessings of the universe...
-The first week long intensive spent with Don changed my life. It began a practice that helped me be in the world in a manner that was joyful and appreciative. There are moments where I am connected to the Divine and experience the love and light in my life that I never thought I deserved. It is such a gift of peace....
-I don't know when I've had more fun. The memory of this time together will always warm my heart, and the memory of how God reveals through you. I am deeply *grateful* for this experience. Overflowing!
-This was a life changing event for me, but it's not the "born again" kind of life changing, more it is being given the truth and learning to live from it.
For additional Intensive Testimonials, click here.
Intensive leader:
Don Kollmar, founder of CSA Associates, is teacher and facilitator for each intensive. Don has been a personal growth trainer and workshop leader for over thirty years. He has led seminars throughout the United States and Europe.
Don has been exploring spirituality and wholeness since 1971. He traveled and studied extensively in the beginning of his journey in search of a deeper commune with Spirit/God. As a result of his studies in eastern meditation practices as well as his study of natural healing, Don became more focused on what he experienced as a missing emphasis in most spiritual and healing disciplines. The process of Complete Self Attunement evolved from giving a format for the individual to connect with this missing emphasis.
For more information on Don: click here
COST: $1,400, - INCLUDES: ROOM, BOARD, TUITION, Two Meditation CDs and 6 follow-up group meditations and two personal phone session with Don, one pre and post the intensive. *
DATE: Click Here to view our Calendar.
LOCATION: Most often on the West coast near Santa Cruz, California, but periodically scheduled throughout the USA and in Europe.
The intensive begins at 5 pm on the first day and ends at 10:00am on the last day
» » The intensive can be scheduled in your area with a group of 6-10 participants.««
* Enrollment is confirmed with full payment. Once confirmed, if one's plans change and can not attend, a full credit is given for personal sessions. The personal session credit does not expire and can be used for individual or couple sessions they can also be given as a gift. Due to the small size of the classes, workshops and intensives, no cash refund is possible.
For more information: Email: Don@csaprocess.com or contact Don Kollmar at: 716-775-7453 or in Holland at 31 20 404 3944
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